:metal: KnockoutJS Goodies Monorepo
The context object contains information about the current route as well as any data attached by middleware (if applicable)
Router that the current page belongs to
Current route
DOM element for the router-view
container for this route
before render and in redirections
Parent pathname and app base, if applicable
The current path, excluding parent path, including child path
The current path, excluding parent path and child path
The current path, including parent, excluding app base, excluding child path
Object containing route parameters
Identical to location.search
, but allows use in beforeNavigate middleware
Identical to location.hash
, but allows use in beforeNavigate middleware
Root context accessor
Parent context accessor
Array of parent contexts
Child context accessor
Array of child contexts
Adds a function to be executed before the page is navigated away from, and potentially block navigation. This may be used to show a save confirmation, for example.
Async is supported via promises.
To prevent navigation, the beforeNavigate callback may
a) return false
b) return a Promise that resolves false
c) return a rejected Promise
Callbacks are executed LIFO; async functions will be ran in series. If a callback prevents navigation by one of the above methods, no more callbacks will be executed.
import ko from 'knockout'
import swal from 'sweetalert2'
class ViewModel {
constructor(ctx) {
this.savePending = ko.observable(false)
// async functions are just functions that return promises behind the scenes
async promptToSave() {
if (!this.savePending()) {
return false
try {
await swal({
title: 'Save Pending!',
text: 'Are you sure you want to leave this page?',
type: 'warning',
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonText: 'Discard Changes',
} catch (e) {
return false
Queues a promise and allows middleware to continue running, but still resolves before the page is rendered. Allows for many async operations that do not depend on each other to run concurrently. For an example, see the lazy-loading example and open the network tab. Each child loads its component via ajax, however all of these requests are made at the same time and do not prevent other middleware from executing.
Only to be used in plain middleware, or the beforeRender
phase of a lifecycle/generator middleware,
this function short circuits the middleware execution, prevents an intermediate render
and runs and downstream lifecycle middleware to clean up, then navigates to a new route.
is resolved via utils.traversePath