
:metal: KnockoutJS Goodies Monorepo

View the Project on GitHub Profiscience/knockout-contrib


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This package is intended for consumption via the [@profiscience/knockout-contrib] metapackage


fromJS(src[, mapArrayElements = false])

Creates a tree of observables from src.

If mapArrayElements is true, array elements will be passed to fromJS as well, else bare objects/primitives.

The much needed inverse to the undocumented ko.toJS function; a dumb version of ko.mapping.fromJS that is a lot faster.

import { fromJS } from '@profiscience/knockout-contrib'

const foos = {
  foo: 'foo',
  bar: {
    baz: 'baz',
    qux: ['qux'],

// {
//   foo: ko.observable('foo'),
//   bar: {
//     baz: ko.observable('baz'),
//     qux: ko.observableArray([
//       'qux'
//     ])
//   }
// }

fromJS(foos, true)
// {
//   foo: ko.observable('foo'),
//   bar: {
//     baz: ko.observable('baz'),
//     qux: ko.observableArray([
//       ko.observable('qux') <--------- Array contents mapped when second argument is true
//     ])
//   }
// }


$ ./benchmark.ts
utils.fromJS                    x 316,313 ops/sec ±3.37% (79 runs sampled)
utils.fromJS (mapArrayElements) x 151,401 ops/sec ±3.24% (81 runs sampled)
mapping.fromJS                  x 11,995 ops/sec ±3.82% (81 runs sampled)